
By Viewpoint

Yellow and orange

Second day of the colours theme - I thought I'd opt for yellows and oranges today as a follow-on to `reds'. I was a little late taking photographs this afternoon and the light was fast disappearing. I still haven't got used to the changed hour for daylight saving. I think given the choice I'm much prefer to go with darker mornings than evenings but I do appreciate that those of you in the north of Scotland (and even further north) probably wouldn't agree with me. At least while we are in Australia we'll benefit from lighter nights again as well as warmer weather - though the last time we visited at this time of year we encountered a violent sandstorm and gale force winds coming off the Southern Ocean.

I've been busy today trying to sort the piles of personal papers, newspapers, magazines that have accumulated while I was pre-occupied with developing new curriculum resources. It was good to have the excuse to go outside with the camera - even if it only was for twenty minutes at the end of the day.

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