Loney Girl

By loneygirl

P.O. Box 60

I spent an hour chatting with the postman at our town's postal office this afternoon. He eagerly explained to me how the building was divided into two parts. The left, for the post office and the right side for the telegraph. He said that they were two separate government entities and that the telegraph side has been closed for quite some time now but that a lady still held office a few hours each week. I asked him why the need for an employee when it was closed, and he said that as long as there was still a budget to run it, it would remain open. I was a bit taken back by the reason considering the situation our country is in. He also mentioned that there has been a drop of as much as 75% in mail transactions since the time cellphones and the internet became THE way to correspond.
I asked permission to take some photographs and he told me to feel free to do so. This is P.O. Box 60, now empty but for a few cardboard wrappers.
I wanted to focus on the empty chair to emphasize further the melancholy mood of the office.

Larger view is better.

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