Louise's blips

By louiserbradley


This picture epitomizes some of the issues I have with taking photos. As I got up this morning I watched the sky get pinker and pinker. At one point I thought "Oooh that would make a lovely photo... When I have got dressed I will fetch my camera." I have done this before so then I thought, "No, do it now or not at all." In consequence I was running around the house (3 storeys!) with an undisclosed amount of clothes on at 7 in the morning. Sure enough, by the time I had my clothes on it was gone so I AM learning.

The other thing is blip itself. It IS a good discipline and I have certainly taken a lot more photos in the last couple of months than I would otherwise have done. I LOVE the people on here and gain immense amounts of satisfaction from the encouraging words that people write. I find it amazing and delightful to have made contacts with people all over the world and have seen so many wonderful photographs that my head is quite full of it. When I started (not long ago I know and yet it feels like ages) I didn't realise how moving it was going to be to hear first hand about places and events in such far away places. It is quite different hearing about, for example an earthquake, on the news and seeing peoples' pictures of their homes and towns and hearing the stories they have to tell. Places come to life in a much more vivid way when shown in this way and that is great. I was not going to say all this when I started but just complain that some days you have no pictures and sometimes so many it is almost impossible to choose between them for your blip but somehow my heart seems to have got in the way and painted a different picture. Sorry for waffling, it just happened. Thankyou all!

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