All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

And he's off!

Ethan was up at the usual time today, despite being later to bed than normal due to our trip to Beith. Funny how he seems to have an inbuilt alarm clock now which wakes him up between 6am-6.30am! Actually, he did wake around 5am, as did hubbie and I, as there was a torrential rain storm outside which sounded like stones were being hurled at the window! Fortunately Ethan managed to go back to sleep even though hubbie and I didn't!

Ethan & I went to Bounce & Tickle in Broxburn this morning. I had to laugh when a Granny on her way there with her grandaughter stopped me to ask "is this the right place for Slap & Tickle"? (I think she must have been speaking to 42 haha)! I'm not actually sure she realised why I burst out laughing!

It's then a quick turnaround - back home for lunch and then out to our PEEP class. Ethan really enjoys the class and I think he is getting a lot out of it. In a way it's similar to Bounce & Tickle as the main focus is on singing and story books but it's more close-knit and they also get some toys and a treasure box to play with too.

When I was making dinner this evening, Ethan decided to show off his newly found crawling skills and was up and down the kitchen! He was also in and out the cupboards, pulling items out (we have bought cupboard locks but not got around to fitting them yet). He seemed to particularly enjoy a game of spin the bottle with his old Avent bottle! I thought he was only crawling because it was easier on the laminate but hubbie just called me downstairs to show me Ethan crawling at top speed on the living room carpet too - go Ethan and watch out cats - he'll be after them all now!

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