Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Amongst Giants

I've been in York today for a conference which was held in the National Railway Museum. Yay! I am a bit of a train fan and have travelled by train across a number of countries including Mongolia, Russia, bits of China, Romania, Germany, Austria and Poland.

The NRM is an excellent reminder of the former glory of train travel in the UK before Dr Beeching, Mrs Thatcher and subsequent governments managed to pretty much destroy it.

Really hard to choose a blip and I also regretted leaving the DSLR at home. However I will be back as it's fairly handy for me - you could get a year's worth of blips out of here, at least.

In the end I decided that this little thing would be my blip as it looked so small and cute hidden in between two behemoths.

I'm pleased to say I also managed to amuse others by accidentally stumbling across the Hogwarts Express. We'd heard it was no longer at the museum, but when backing up to try and get the Chinese train in frame, I bumped into something, looked up to see what it was and there, in all it's (some might say over-hyped) glory was the Hogwarts Express. Rather attractively surrounded by trays of cat litter, placed to catch drips of oil as she'd recently been out for a spin.

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