missed details

It's fair enough for a café to not bother dusting everywhere (such as the undersurface of a stair) but it's important for things like cafés to pay attention to slightly more café-related matters such as the taste of their coffee, perhaps ensuring that it's not able to be categorised in a disappointing way such as 'quite unpleasant' in order to encourage repeat business.

Seeing as I managed to generate a complete cabin-baggage-sized rucsac'sworth of stuff in a couple of minutes yesterday (not including actually testing to see if adding cameras, lenses, laptop, chargers and repacking all the clothes inside the camera bag then putting that back inside the rucsac still results in a bag not too obviously bulging far beyond the dimensions quoted as the maxima) I added nothing to the pile today except my wing-collar shirt, required as part of the outfit to be picked up down there. My shoes fit in the bag with underwear stuffed in them but (as shoes tend to) have some unsightly gaps around them with could more usefully be filled with some sort of matter. There should be space for one of the wingpiglet's attachment-conveyances so that he can be carried without completely preventing photography, especially if cameras and lenses have their protective caps tightly-fastened so that they can be stuck in pockets for as long as it takes to get past the relevant cordon. I can't think of anything I've forgotten but then I only noticed my shirt when I was fishing a bunch of office-shirts out of the wardrobe to iron to take in ready for next week. At least we only have to bother with things to keep the wingpiglet clean and warm whilst he's still on the milks and some of these have been arranged to be provided at the target location by my parents, who are driving down tomorrow. I could perhaps do with a spare fillum-camera battery but can't think of anything else bulky I require, though I'm sure it'll occur to me just afte lunchtime on Wednesday.

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