Ruby's travels

By Roobz

Twisted Firestarter

I was very bad yesterday for not blipping with SO many opportunities with all the amazing costumes around me. I'm sorry blippers!

Danny, Zebedee and I tried out some indoor fireworks today in preparation for bonfire night. We also continued our Halloween theme by collaborating (with Dom as well) to write some scary poems!

Here's one for you:

I went to the kitchen, the cupboard was bare,
No pheasant, no pork, not even a hare,
But what I saw bounding upon the stair,
Was nothing short of a gruesome bear,
Where is he going? What did I care?
Did he have any food, did he want to share,
Or was it my flesh he wanted to tear?

I said to the bear "What have you to eat?"
The bear simply replied "I'm looking for MEAT!"
I screamed out loud and turned white as a sheet,
As the mighty bear roared and stamped his feet.

I turned to run, the end was nigh,
But I thought to myself "I don't want to die!"
So I drew myself up, I felt 6 feet high,
And swallowed the bear whole in the blink of an eye!

By Danny Deevoy (age 11), Zebedee Ellis (age 10), Dominic Brown (age 32) and Myself (age 21)!

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