With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

How to party

So last night orisit and I went out on the town. We had a blast. The rules are

Be in Spain
Eat well
Drink half decent wine with your meal
O.k., maybe have a few more of the same in a bar
Go to a club and dance until 6am
Have coffee in Bar Cristal
Get a taxi home anyway, because you can get a bus if you wait, but it's worth being dropped at your door.

This is all possible without having to encounter drunkeness, violence, unpleasant male behaviour, unpleasant female behaviour for that matter, or even a hangover, if you follow the rules. And you know, everybody does. Maybe we were lucky and found the right places and people, but I have the feeling it wouldn't have been possible in England. It would take years and years of changed licensing hours to achieve though, I fear.

Sleep regained, I took the boys to a Halloween party at the stupendous Cas Bernats, thanks to Sandra's mum, Sandra, Drew, Emma and Tommy. Hours of their wonderful scheming, building, dressing up and acting terrified even me if I'm honest. Well a little, but Frankenstein's monster could have got a shriek if he'd lurched at me any more. Thanks to all for such a great evening. And thanks for the return of my camera, which for a few heart stopping hours had been lost. Hence the back blip. I felt like my right arm had been cut off. Very appropriate for Halloween.

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