Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Inside the Fish Tank

A rare glimpse inside the fish tank. For the past 6 weeks or so we have been struggling with the lighting inside the tank. The neon tube went, Another was purchased. Nothing. Another was purchased on the internet. Wrong size. Still no light. We went on holiday and left the poor fish with some lamps for company.

On our return him indoors stripped down the electrics - declared that there was nothing he could find awry (he is usually quite good with these sort of things) so yet another bulb was purchased. Still nothing.

So for the time being they have some makeshift LED tank lights which really dont allow us to see them so well but afford them some light. Not really so theraputic to look at. I think a new tank may be in order :(

Other news to report is that the wine has now stopped fermenting. We are hoping this is a good sign. Another week to go and as of yet no explosions!

p.s. Him Indoors has just walked by with a dead fish on the way to the loo - he was having a poke around in the tank after I had taken some pics and spotted the poor thing :( Its had not a bad innings - we have had them all for over 3 years. Must get the light fixed tho

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