Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

A day in Edinburgh.

Spent today in one of my favourite cities in the world. I simply adore Edinburgh. We did all of the touristy things, visited the castle (which I love), had our photo taken with a guy dressed as Braveheart, went shopping on Princes Street (of course!) and finished the day off with dinner in the Hard Rock Cafe. :) Perfect! :D

Then we got the train back to Glasgow, where we planned a quiet evening in, it was all going well, we'd watched X Factor and Rod Stewart on Piers Morgan, and were just settling down for bed, when all the hotel fire alarms started going off, and we had to be evacuated. I had no socks or shoes on, was in my pyjamas and had to get out of the hotel in a hurry... Great! We all had to go and wait in the train station while the hotel was checked. Thankfully there were some lovely little men who worked there, who saw how cold we all were and took us into their lovely warm staff room to wait, they were oh so very kind. Thanks guys. :)

All in all, we had a pretty eventful day. :)


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