Thunderstorm? No!!

First I want to thank everybody for the lovely comments on my yestarday blip, as well as the 5 Blipfriends who favored it! It is dééply appreciated! I will thank you all properly tomorrow when my Internet time is uploaded again!! ;-0

A beautiful threatening thunderstorm, just about 30 minutes after M&K (~Letstryit) left. We had a lovely but short 'weekend' with them, they were only here for 24 hours, but we made full use of every minute, believe you me! ;-)

I like the long shadows of the houses and trees, etc! The sun was still shining fiercely from the West whilst the storm rolled in from the East! But eisch, it is four hours later now, and not even one drop of rain fell!! Storm's gone! ;-(

M spoilt me rotten for my birthday of last Tuesday, since we could not see each other before yesterday! She brought us an awesome milktart and a chocolate cake with amarula cream, to die for! On top of the 'peace lilly' that she gave me she bought me Francine Rivers's book 'Her Mother's Hope' as well as a cute little ball point pen with my name on it!

We went to 'Jasmyn fresh produce market' this morning and browsed around in their bookshop, bought a few books, and then downstairs to buy lovely fresh fruit and veggies. Later in the morning M, C and I went to a garden centre to buy a few plants before we bought yummy pizzas for lunch, watched 'Alvin and the Chipmunks', then we had tea and cake before they left. What a lovely weekend!

Thanks once more M&K, we must really do it more often!

C said I can blip on her Internet notebook tonight! Thx C!

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