Gillipaw's Journal

By Gillipaw

The Weir, Pollok Park, Glasgow. No 2.

Armed with my tripod and a couple of lenses, I was off to the weir in Pollok Park, to capture various shots for my OU course. I planned this visit late in the day, for low light. This one ticks two boxes for weeks 3 and 4. Motion blur for week 3, and depth of field for week 4. You will have noticed a few days ago I was shooting with wide f stops, so today for comparison, here is a narrower one.

I last blipped the weir back in March. It had an autumnal feel then. This time I crossed the bridge, and walked through the field, to stand on a stoney embankment in the river - the things I do for a Blip.

I have more of an idea of what I am doing now, and feel quite relaxed beside the pros with their big lenses.

Just noticed I've hit 95,000 views.


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