
By spitzimixi

there's no getting away from it

and why would one want to anyway?! Hallowe'en was something I always looked forward to as a child and have tried to carry on with in this useless country that for some obscure reason doesn't do hallowe'en.
So, we've always dressed up, always made a pumpkin lantern, always made some hallowe'en tea. But this year the big uns have been invited to a hallowe'en party. They were very excited about it!
This is the biggest dressed as a lady vampire. She looks just like her eldest cousin, Mr. Islandinariverwherebadgerslive, after a night out. It's quite uncanny.

I was going to resist the hallowe'en temptation and post a blip from the children's first ever volleyball tournament this morning - but I've seen so much volleyball today (as we went for a match this afternoon too and to the opening the season event, me as 1st Lady) and all the pictures are just, well volleyball...
And, anyway, the spooky cloud behind her head is pretty cool.

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