Is there anyone on the line?
Blippin' 'eck blippers. 42 here and delighted but a bit bemused to find myself in the firing line for reviewing this week's assignment blip - "Lines", set last week by Red.
Maybe its because I took this week's assignment far too seriously. Who knows, but it's all in the line of duty for a blipper.
Anyway, enough of the gratuitous self promotion, I better get on with the roundup.
You managed to line up a massive 199 blips on lines. The most on any assignment so far (I checked you know). Good for you lot. Not so good for me or my marriage as I sit and review them all ... Mrs42 says 'hello' btw and she's off to spend some serious quality time with the TV.
Straight lines, clean lines, love lines, rhyming lines, curly lines, metaphorical lines, invisible lines, desperate lines - your imagination (and wishful tagging) clearly went into overdrive...
Please forgive me if I don't mention everyone, but rest assured, my square eyes are testament to the fact that I looked at them all - I had to be really hard line to even trim them down this much and you have just got my absolute favourites.
Wingpig's squiggly lines
Trigger-Happy Fi's 'phone line
Red's yellow lines - say that fast and it's a tongue twister :-)
Cantebury's building lines
dark|adapted's sky lines
My RearView Mirror's crossing lines
My Angle's life/love lines - there were lots of hand blips, but I chose only one sorry!
Photofiend's natural lines
Kiwidino's power lines
Benek's product lines
Rab's Onedin line
Something's Missing car park lines
Barking's line of ducks
Biscuit's suburban lines
Beth's wavy coast line
Blackcountry Man's rail lines
Benek's electric lines
Scintilla's snowy lines
dark|adapted's lines in the sand
Chaos' ridge line
Fear & Loathing's punishment lines
Dogwood Puddle Pics skating lines
Mackintosh's chillie lines
Orian's famous line
Wingpig's crossing the line
Chaos's snow and headlight lines
Picaday's straw lines
Bri's flyboy lines
Northern's roof lines
Stevie's body lines
...and finally pinhole sky explodes out 200 lines.
So, just before I can cross the finishing line I need to set you a challenge for the week ahead.
To me this is about fluorescent socks, Crackerjack, Wham, Peter Davidson as Dr Who and Gregory's Girl.
So, your homework for this week is "Old School".
Just remember to follow follow the party line and tag your assignment blips with assignment23, or there will be detentions...
42 out.
A little additional note from Blipcentral...
We're going to set 5pm GMT on Thursday afternoon as a nominal 'cut-off' time for all assignments from here on in, because the nominated reviewer tends to do their work on Thursday evening. Breaking marriages is one thing, but we don't want to cause any employment problems for our reviewers by letting things roll over into Friday morning.
You are of course perfectly entitled to upload tagged entries at any point after the cut-off time, but don't expect them to get looked at by the reviewer.
Blipcentral over and out out.
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