Morts' Photo Journal

By morts

Pripyat - Amusement Park

Its a real shame that I couldn't share more photos of today.

On 26th April 1986 the lives of Europeans, especially Eastern Europeans, changed forever when the Chernobyl disaster occurred. More than 20 years later, an Aussie Bloke (me) walked in the footsteps of those who gave their lives to save others. Whether the term 'brave' is an apt description is difficult to say because they didn't have a choice being Soviet Citizens, anyway I digress.

I spent a day walking around Pripyat which was once a thriving city of 40,000 and now is a ghost town, this shot is of the Amusement Park which unfortunately never got a chance to open, it was due to open weeks after the reactor melt down.

We also managed to get as close as 200m away from the Reactor itself but couldn't stay for too long due to the radiation. We also very quickly drove through the red forest.

For more info

Wikipedia - Pripyat
Wikipedia - Chernobyl Disaster

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