
By willowfae

First hair cut

Today was a big day as I finally plucked up the courage to take Beth to have her hair cut. It gets incredibly matted underneath and is horrible to brush so I knew it had to be done. It's just that when Harry first had his hair cut when he was 18 months old, the lovely blonde cherub curls that he had went and never grew back. So I was reluctant as I didn't want to loose Beth's curls.

I have to say, Beth wasn't keen on it either! All day she has been saying 'not too short'. So she had about an inch off, and had some soft layers put in to try and help keep the curls. She wanted it to be long enough that she could still put it in bunches and plaits as well as a ponytail for ballet.

Will wash it tomorrow morning and see if all the curls are still there!

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