Drama in the Skies

A busy, busy day that started with volunteering at my daughter's school for the morning and help get the kids ready for the Halloween Parade. On my way into the classroom, I saw a large bird making a big flap in a small tree on campus. It was a red-tailed hawk trying to get a squirrel. I'm fascinated by birds of prey and watched the hawk off-and-on for nearly 45 minutes as he tried to get that squirrel in the tree. I'd never seen a wild hawk so close up and actually hunting. I don't think it ever caught the squirrel; soon, hundreds of excited children filled the schoolyard in their costumes and no doubt scared the hawk away. I wish I'd had a better lens with me for capturing that hawk. It looks quite small on the the shots I did get. Later on the way home from the grocery store, however, the dramatic skies caught my eye. We don't often get clouds like this.

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