
By elleelle

Port of Beaumont Crazies

Since the neighbor's dog started barking at 4:30am- and didn't stop for 3 hours- I was up and ready to go early. I have wanted to take picture of the sunrise over the river for a while now, so I took advantage of the extra hour I had before work. By the time I actually got down to the river, I was running out of time before too much of the sun was up, so I decided to park in a credit union parking lot outside of the Port of Beaumont gates. I got exactly 3 shots in before a man drove by and yelled:

That's illegal! You're goin' to jail! You're goin' to jail! That's illegal! I got your license plate! I am calling the cops! You're going to jail!

Needless to say, I immediately hopped in my car. While I was pretty sure I was not committing a crime, I was worried he was coming back around the curve to come after me. I should also mention his accent was not American, his speech was slurred, and I was alone- people weren't even at work yet. It didn't seem wise to hang around for a picture that isn't even that interesting. Next time (probably when Liz is in town, and I don't have to go alone) I would like to get down to the water. What do you say, Liz?

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