Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax


It has now been suggested that I seek counselling/therapy. Acutally, more than just suggested. I have been told to make an appointment.

Now, while I readily admit that I am not a bundle of laughs all the time and my self-esteem is not all that it could be, do you think it could have something to do with not having a job and not being able to come up with any ideas to bring in an income?

Is the counsellor/therapist going to appoint me as editor of The New York Times or write me a cheque for $10,000 to tide me over and help pay bills?

More likely he/she will reach for the prescription pad and prescribe some drug or other. Will that provide a solution to my predicament? I fear not.

Needless to say, I am somewhat reluctant to go down this particular route. If I thought it would help, believe me, I would have gone of my own volition months ago.

I did manage to get out today at the usual time. With the temperature having fallen to 79 degrees, I was able to venture a little further afield than the past two days. I eventually ended up at The Good Shepherd Church and the cloisters, with the fountain playing in the courtyard, caught my eye. I was already thinking of the shot in B&W as I took it. Is that progress?

I am keeping my fingers crossed for a huge lottery win,tomorrow, along with millions of other people. But as the saying goes, "If you ain't in it, you won't win it!"

Have a good weekend y'all!

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