
By CanCarrier

The foot of Leith Walk

Victoria got a clean up a few years ago and is still looking good. The old Woolworths has only just found a new occupant, which will hopefully give the place a bit of a lift. But it was the pavement art that caught my attention. In the centre of the Compass Rose is the symbol of Leith 'The Persevere'. The virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus, shown in a sailing ship.

It is thought the crest originated in France and first came to Leith around 1050, when it became the flag of the area. It was used for centuries in the port, but when Leith merged with Edinburgh in 1920 it was effectively forgotten about.

The crest is used by the local school, and can be seen on a couple of lamp posts and buildings. And a poplular pub.

I was thinking of doing a series of Blips based on pavement art, but I think I may be graveled for lack of material. The only other pavement decoration near here is the white paint spilt on the pavement outside B&Q....

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