Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Sunburst Through the Clouds

I got up early today thinking I would go out to get the sunrise, but there was nothing but rain and clouds. So, I went to work early and worked my buns off. I just can't seem to keep up lately. I am sitting at my computer and going from one project to another all day long. Every time I think I might be getting close to being caught up, I get another project to do. Retiring is sounding better all the time.

I was watching the sky all day today, and when I came home at lunch time I noticed that there was a little break in the clouds in the west so I thought, "I bet there will be a nice sunset". I guess I should have bet on it, because I was right. The sunset took on many different phases. It started with just a few spots in the clouds shining through and then it opened up more and more and soon the clouds were separated and glowing. It was quite a sight to behold.

I'm trying to get ready to go out of town this weekend, so I guess I better get busy--laundry, packing suitcases, packing the car--I can't wait to get on the road.

Have a great Friday!

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