Baggie Trousers

By SkaBaggie

Maybe I'll Catch Fire

Happy blipday to me, happy blipday to me...yes, it's my hundredth journal entry today; seems so long since that warm July evening when I abruptly decided to share my (slightly pointless) thoughts with the world at large. It feels good to pass a milestone, and I was hoping to come up with a memorable picture to mark it; I had a pretty good idea of what I could do, but having been on the go since nine this morning I just haven't had the chance to execute the idea properly. Instead, I had to settle for capturing the creation of a batch of peppercorn sauce at work.

Just after taking the picture, Will asked: "Fancy a close-up?" and promptly shoved the burning pan under my nose. I have to hand it to him, it was a good idea; a shot of my rapidly combusting head would have made a really memorable hundredth blip. Just a shame I'd switched my camera off prior to getting my eyebrows singed.

And that's Blip in a nutshell really, isn't it? Inspiration comes when you're least expecting it, and you've usually got your camera switched off and tucked away deep in your pocket when it does strike. For every picture I've posted, there must be a hundred "blips that got away".

Oh well. Here's looking forward to another hundred just like them.

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