Dirty wee Tae Kwondo feet.

He's had loads of baths and showers this week (as my journal illustrates) so I spared him another. We all know wee boys don't like even the most basic of grooming and showering is not basic. He had a basin foot bath instead as he's been running around, kicking, doing patterns and sparring barefoot in a smelly wee church hall for an hour.

He's still recovering from last nights school halloween disco. He woke with a dracula hairline, pink eyeliner and 'who let the dogs out' still ringing in his ears..............it was completely wild! When we arrived at the school, a wee girl was howling because somebody's devil prong/fork thing had knocked her two top (loose baby) teeth out. I've never seen children being whipped up into such a frenzy in my life.

The event of the year for these kids. I like his school.....they know how to let the kids enjoy themselves. Just hope some learning happens too.

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