Life & times of the B-H's

By SarahOberon

snot and grot...

Daddy home poorly and tried to sleep despite various factors preventing that poor love.

Alfie bit out of sorts from the jab, but on good form (most of the time). But as you can see still able to be a nosey beak.

Nana popped in with saving grace washing powder. They don't tell you when you have a baby that you should take out shares in Duracell and Fairy/Ariel...

I did mountains of washing, only 2 loads left and the house resembles a laundry! Whose idea was it not to replace the tumble drier to save money, oh that would be mine, idiot!!!

If any of it actually dries I need to pack it for our couple of days in Cornwall, can't wait to get away.

Gaga home from Africa tomorrow and then us away Saturday morning.

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