No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

One Little Witch

And ironically, nothing to do with Halloween!

It is Wee C's turn at school to have one of the 'Story Sacks' for a week, and she got the 'Witch Sack'. Inside the fleecy sack is a set of instructions for the parents, a set of props, in this case a witch's cloak, hat and wand, and three books for the parents to read with their child. Wee C was so pleased to have this sack, although I think the stories are pretty poor, it has to be said. She's had fun dressing up and reading the books though.

She likes the hat and cloak so much she's changed her mind about her choice of costume for tomorrow night's school Halloween Disco - bye bye Hannah Montana, hello 'Good Witch'?!!

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