
By Fisherking

.....just like the beer that pickled dear old Dad.

Here's Dad again enjoying a beer.

I got up this morning having had a very late night (and a few beers) trying to explain blipfoto to Dad! He doesn't really get it and wanted me to print off lots of shots from debra, hebs, Ingunn,ASG etc etc, but he likes the site and will probably drop in from time to time to look at the thumbnails, so any one taking shots of birds, old buildings or animals beware!

I didn't have a fuzzy head or anything when I woke, but I don't sleep too well away from the Boss, so I was bit tired and achy. Dad got up about 30 minutes after me and casually, over a bowl of cornflakes, dropped in the dreaded words..."Before you go home, can you just do a little job for me?"

The little job?.............Clean out the guttering before winter sets in!
Out came the ladder, a trowel and a pair of gloves and up I went (fortunately it's only a bungalow). Dad's lived in this house for about 25 years, and that guttering has never been cleaned out. I was up to my elbows in crap and dead leaves!

Job done and Dad suggested lunch at the local pub....well I wasn't going to say "No" was I? I decided on a burger and Dad went for the pensioners special...two courses for £4.25......Salad, baked potato and a chicken breast wrapped in bacon and cheese, followed by bread and butter pudding. As we tucked in he couldn't resist coming out with my late Uncle Joes's (Dads elder brother) phrase..."That's too good for poor people!". We laughed and had a good chin wag and then he came out with the classic just before I took this shot " It's good to have a beer when you've earned it with a bit of hard work".

Yeah it must have been knackering standing at the bottom of the ladder watching me dragging out all that crap and getting filthy.

Dad's eh?

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