The Pensioner

By Pensioner

One for the Road

Worked on the boat for a fair bit of the day and then legged it home to head out for the evening with Paul and Herr Heinz.
When I started this blip thing Paul was still in hospital recovering from Swine Flu which had nearly killed him. Or did kill him, if you listen to him as they had to restart his heart twice. Anyway, just last week he got his driving licence back so as a thank you two of his bestest pals we went out for a byob meal with the finest wines. He wore a defiantly green top (or 'tap' as it may be pronounced) to show Herr H (a bit of a blue-nose) that he is keeping the faith with all things Celtic despite their weekend drubbing. They do go on, these boys - I hardly got a word in about my boaty adventures. And then it was time to escort him to his bus - there he is at the left of the picture legging it as fast as he can (that's not fast). Herr H and I then had the choice of Harvey Nicks brightly illuminated red cocktail bar or a couple of pints in the Cafe Royale. We chose wisely, I do believe.

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