My UCI Update Journal

By maxicute

Knott's Scary Farm 2010!!!

This was definitely one of the best times I had at Knott's Scary Farm. Going early does make a difference; nice crowds, monsters still energetic, no lines. The Pony Express had been shut down because it crashed and when we had gotten to Knott's we noticed that there were helicopters in the sky, but we didn't know why until my mom texted me that there was a roller coaster accident. Yeesh!

My favorite parts included:

Pre-Knott's: meeting this dude at Del Taco and then a week later reading how this dude likes chatting up random people at restaurants

Knott's: being guided across the fog-covered bridge by a kindly monster in the Terror of London maze ("What a kind young man!"), being teased by a ghoul in the same maze, having basically all of Fallout Shelter maze to ourselves because it was late, having this monster photobomb me (guy behind me: "GET IT GET IT!"), the Hypno-Chick show (oh gawd, people making out with air and Zac Efron), being covered by FOUR MONSTERS AT ONCE in the Virus Z maze because I was screaming so much to the point where my friend was getting freaked out and thinking I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown, screaming "ARE YOU FAKING IT? ARE YOU REALLY SCARED OR ARE YOU ACTING?" LOL!

Seriously, to have the best time at Knott's YOU GOTTA PLAY ALONG!

Worst parts: my memory card cwapping out for me at the last dad was luckily able to recover a majority of the photos for me with a lot of hard work and effort. Thanks Dad. Also, getting my butt wet and having it wet for the rest of the night due to Bigfoot Rapids. And one more: the incredibly huge traffic getting out because of those stupid people who hand out club fliers and then people have to stop to read it or throw it away (dude behind me in the tunnel: "Oh gawd, what if there was an earthquake, we'd all die")


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