
By rainie

Super Cow

Yes, this is the super cow or superstar!!....said to him that he was the star of the day and to lift his head, nah, the grass held more appeal than the camera.
Now why, I here you ask am I making a fuss.....read on.........

dups & I received a txt from pcc this morning to say our entry in a competition at our Photography With Pixels Club in ChCh had won the Gold Award, yipee de do dah yipee de yay etc etc. Our brief was 'Cow" - we had to put together 7 images as a montage....we called it "The Chosen One" - & this is he & is my blip for the day.

Doug picked up the lappy tonight but have yet to see whats what with that. Off out to have some fun with photoshop shortly.

Finished work for the week, another yipee!!


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