Tea and Sympathy?
Passed this the other day and thought it was hilarious. I know Edinburgh is allowing sex shops, but I'm not sure certain parts of the city are ready for a tea shop for all the family, cake for the missus and will there be anything else?
Perfect first day back to the old routine. My boy came back from his paper round having forgotten to deliver a magazine, and could I do it for him or he would be late. Also, when I woke my girl, she leapt up pronouncing she had forgotten to do some homework and could I drive her to school so she could do homework before starting. So, ever obliging mother, I delivered said magazine on foot, in the rain and wind, then came back to drive said girl to school, by 8.28am I was at the door of supermarket wondering why it wasnt open. The I remembered that I had forgotten to wash face, clean teeth or brush hair this morning! Thankfully, after checking, I realised that I was at least dressed.
Spent a lovely evening with my big sister and family to celebrate brother-in-laws birthday. Must make more time for this, as we all enjoy being together. Good times.
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