All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan's Tractor

Well, well, well. Ethan slept from 7.30pm - 6am last night! Which is wonderful, apart from the fact my insomnia kicked in again. I woke at 3am and was still awake at 6am too! Hubbie was back at work today so as he was getting up at 6am anyway, he brought Ethan through to our room and then headed off to work. Ethan and I had lots of cuddles on the bed (he was VERY clingy and cuddly this morning for some reason) and after an hour or so he fell back asleep till 8.30 (so I had another wee nap beside him too)!

He didn't have a morning nap, even when I walked down to Morrisons with him. On the way back, we managed to acquire a very friendly cat who followed us all the way home! I felt really sorry for it as it was raining so when it came in the house, I didn't object. After Ethan & I had lunch we had to go out to our PEEP class. I was worried if I turfed the cat out the house it might be a bit lost so I put it in the car and dropped it back off where it had initially started following us from! Hope it found its way home ok!

Ethan was asleep when we arrived at PEEP so I just took him into the class in his car seat. It was quieter than usual today, with only 4 other mummies and their babies there. Despite that, there was a lot of nose with all the singing and playing yet Ethan managed to snooze through half the class. He looked quite pleased when he woke up in the middle of story time though and quite happily joined in with the rest of the class.

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