Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife


Woke in the dark and as I was driving to work it was still dark. As i was listening on the radio I heard that there seem to be some rumblings again regarding ditching BST. Now I am old enough to remember what it was like up here in the north the last time they tried that mularkey. Winters are long enough without having the day not breaking till somewhere between 9 and 10 in the morning. Trying to get to work in wind, ice rain and snow is miserable and tricky enough too without the sun being allowed to break through and begin to warm us up.

Sure I can appreciate that it may lead to energy savings for some - but I really do not think it will mean that much in the way of savings to us here. I mean if you can only have 7 hours of daylight during the winter months then playing about with an hour is not really going to have that huge an impact. Its dark here some days by 3:30 so the lights have to go on at some point.

Perhaps its time for us to have our own separate time zone up here ;)

Stuck in the office for most of the day and it was wet and misty again by the time I got home so reduced to taking some more pictures of City Quay!

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