Laurence's 365

By jacsquests

Day 14 - Little foot escaping....

.....the confines of the sleepsuit.

How kissable is that foot? xxxxxxxx

My little man is 2 weeks old today. Still very surreal, but he's here and he is real! And I feel like I've known him all my life.

This time 2 weeks ago, I was making my way from the birth centre to labour ward having lost a splash of meconium stained liquor. I was very excited I was finally to meet this little person I'd been growing for exactly 40 weeks on the 12th of October 2010. I had no fear at all. And it all worked out just fine. Laurence bravely made it Earthside just under 4 hours later with just hypnobirthing techniques for pain management. Daddy was practically preaching my affirmations through the surges, reminding me to breathe correctly. Boy was so alert and ready to go from the first minute. I'm so blessed to have trusted in my body and in him. All was well. All is well. All will be well - even with challenges ahead. We pray for health, we pray for wisdom, we pray for good.

Full birth story will be on my blog soon.

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