With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

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Hebs and James tested the newly christened Blipcafé that is Paris and we had a donder around Soller a little, before getting in the car and heading for the mountains. I took them up to the reservoirs in the mist, and James did his best not to look down the precipices. A few glimmers of light picked out the layers of rock and we could swear we saw the sea at one point.

Back down to the Port, and there was the warmth, as the cloud bank skirted the coast. We wibbled down the jetties and as the wind started up through the halliards of the big yachts, there was nowt to stop us jabbering. What a patient and lovely boy James is, but then we knew that already.

A few catnaps, and cat nips later (Suc is mad about Hebs and James), I ferried the boys to and from sport and then we charged down to the square for takeaway pizzas and more problem solving for all in front of the fire.

I can't get my blips out as fast as Hebs!

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