Arrakis Native

By ArrakisNative


by Marnie Stern

My Salads Are Bad-Ass
by Benjamin Weinhold

I'm trippin big at
Whole Foods, buyin' herbs for my
salads, ya feel me?

I keeps my luttuce
fresh to death in the crisper,
so you know what's up!

I ain't never scared
of onions and shrooms cuz my
flavors be reckless.

Just try to hold me
back. Your weak iceberg's a sap
to my young spinach.

I drop goat cheese like
so many gun shells. It's ill
how I toss them fools.

Dried cranberries and
walnuts against your carrot
shavings? I just laugh.

Go ahead and hide
behind your croutons and ranch
dressing. Playa please.

It's all about dat
balsalmic and those peppers
red, orange, green. Naw mean?

My salads be strong.
They'll cut up your taste buds
if you don't watch out.

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