
By heraldino

Dusk X

Bad Are-you-serious? news: - Greed again, when collaboration is needed

I understand the concept of copyright and paying for using it but this just seems ridiculously greedy given that the two sides are basically on the same side; attempting to create awareness in a mostly apathetic public; that the meat on their plates got there through immense suffering. Because most people don't have to kill their food to eat it anymore but can instead purchase it neatly cut up and shrink wrapped, they don't give a second's thought to how it got there.

Victor Schonfeld can stuff his copyright payment demand up his a.s.s. and as far as his statement about human rights organizations not using sex to create awareness for a cause; what an ignorant schtoop. The truth is that boobs and legs catches attention like nothing else: we are animals after all, human maybe but animals nevertheless. If a campaign of nudity can get even one person to give up meat, it is worth it in my opinion.

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Good-but-saddening-facts news: - Women for sale campaign

The headline caught my eye as my initial reaction was one of fury but of course, after reading on I realized this was, in fact, a positive news item. Saddening is the fact that no matter how long we've been on this earth, there is still this capacity of inflicting humiliation and suffering on others for the purpose of monetary gain. It is such a complex issue; why women get caught in that world and why men/and women continue to exploit it. It just seems that there is so much else to do with your life.

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