Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Book Group

Last week, a group of friends and I made the decision (after several glasses of wine and cocktails) to start a book group.

This is our first book - I purchased it today, now I have 6 weeks to read it and report back to the group at our first meeting! We have called our group the Booky Wooky Group (in honour of Russell Brand and Katy Perry's wedding this week, haha!). I am probably the world's slowest ever reader - I fall asleep every night after about 3 pages! Better get started on it asap!

Quiet day for us today. I went to church this morning, then we did a food shop and caught up with laundry and tidying the house. Kerr has been a wee bit under the weather the past few days - I am hoping it is another tooth on the way, please let it be quick!

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