Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Holes in the Dark

Just after our evening meal, I walked into the dark on the upstairs deck to capture the same angle that I posted yesterday.

Clouds -- large, fluffy, bright white and some dark charcoal -- have filled the sky all day. I never tire of looking at the distant light show. I love the holes it makes in the darkness; if my timing is good, a freight train calls to me as it threads its way to the next destination. The grainy, blurred photo is, of course, what the camera captured, but truly it is what my eyes are seeing this evening.

I've been at this keyboard and in my journals all day. I'm tired. I've had to search for things I wrote years ago. What an ordeal. I wish I had a good filing system.

This evening I feel accomplishment, even though I know that I am not finished with the writing. I need to let it alone for a day. The words, the phrases, the message need to marinate.

Tomorrow afternoon I'll come back to my draft with the care of a revisionist and the concern of an editor. Then I'll stamp it "Finished." This next week I'll submit the letter/application combo and a compilation of things written in my past. Then I will find satisfaction in knowing that I tried . . . that I have applied.

Now the "woulda, shoulda, couldas" won't plague me.

To those of you who commented yesterday (thank you), I left you message there in the comment section.

Exhausted in Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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