Maurice and the Dunbar Brew

My daughter and son-in-law had an invitation to a wedding on 'his' side of the family today.
However, children were not allowed at attend and since he Cygnet is still being fed by my daughter, it meant she could not attend.
She wasn't happy as she had been looking forward to the event.

What we did was went with her to see the bride arriving and then went for lunch and spent the day/evening with her and the Cygnet to try and cheer her up.

Semingly the hotel where it all took place did a grand job - certainly the way they laid out the glasses for the drinks after showed a certain amount of attention to detail.

Maurice was better behaved than the Cygnet who, for most of the day refused to sleep and girned and bawlled.
Maybe I should give the Cygnet a pint of Best when his mother isn't looking.

On the up side ........... it was a very nice day for a drive in the country.

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