Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

October at Tentsmuir

I sometimes forget how lucky we are to live in this neck of the woods. I moan and whinge about the weather and sometimes forget just how beautiful it is around here.

After the usual Saturday morning chores (kitchen is now gleaming) we headed to the beach, 10 minutes away. It was cold, the kind of cold that is bracing. It was windy, the kind of wind which clears the cobwebs from your head and makes you smile. Refreshing.

Oscar, the lurcher is normally kept on lead unless we can see 360 degrees and 300 metres is dog and people free. This is possible on this massive stretch of sand. So he was let off and allowed to be free to play. And play he did. I had a lovely game of chase and footie with a tennis ball. He is now sleeping in true lazy lurcher style. We wont hear from him again tonight.

I did spot one family paddling - we are talking hats, scarves, mittens, jackets and trousers rolled up!!! We breed them hardy in these parts :)

Time for some Cava and Strictly I think. :)

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