
By Appreciation

And so to Christmas

Home...... harumph! Uneventful rainy journey was perfect for post holiday blues.

Once home the thought of seeing my girl again was enough to cheer me up. Soon we would be 4 again. I do love time away, but I also like it when we re-unite.

The pal's mother, my pal, delivered a beautiful bouquet of pink roses. Thank You, how very sweet. Sadly, I couldn't manage enough light on them to do them justice. So I stepped into the garden. The rain has left my plants looking and feeling neglected. This fushia was protected under the canopy of a number of other plants.

I usual make a pact with myself that the C word can't be mentioned until after the October holidays. After that we can prepare as much as we want. The plan is always to be so prepared that by December 1st I'm feeling smug and safe. Never Blooming works!

I thought the colours and the texture of the plants here looked very 'C' like. I suspect with blipping to distract me I will fail in my task again this year. Still I like the challenge.

P.S. After all my efforts to stay dry last week, I was blipping wet after lying on the grass to get this shot.

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