As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


I was way too tired to blip this last night, so I'm doing it now.

One month. Our beautiful angel has been in heaven for one month. She may have left us on Earth without her, but she will forever remain in our hearts. <3

I know it's hard to make such a huge transition, but on a lighter note...

I'm now a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow! Me and my dad drove out east to a scout camp and we went through the Brotherhood ceremony. I liked it a lot, but my favorite part was when we stopped near the lake, looking out upon its dark blue waters and reflecting on our time in the OA. The stars were amazing and it was the Hunter's Moon (according to my dad), so the moon was huge and really bright. The ceremony was a little long, so we got back around 1:00 this morning. See why I was too tired to blip?

Here's a repeat shot of my locker and Brittany's locker...someone put a rose on it this morning.

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