Post-Ex 1: Flot tank
The post-excavation analysis is underway, or at least, we're starting to get everything ready...
Jem spent the last couple of days wire-brushing and painting this converted oil-drum which will soon be used to process soil samples.
It's basically a big tank filled with water, with a mesh screen half-way down. The bag of soil (eg from the fill of a grave) is poured in and more water is jetted up through it so that any charcoal, seeds or plant remains float to the top and then spill out onto a stack of ever-finer sieves (these are held in the metal loop at the side).
All the fine silt and sand, less than a mm in size, sink to the bottom of the tank, and the remaining grit is dried and searched through for mouse-teeth or anything else.
A laborious and patience-sapping process. There are about 300 soil-samples to do!
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