All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan meets the bearded dragon

Well, after my rubbish day yesterday, we had a really fun day today!

Last night was night 3 of "Kiss & Retreat" and Ethan was only up once. Hubbie was on duty again and from what I could hear, Ethan went back to sleep fairly quickly. Ok so he was then up for the day at 6.30am which was earlier than the past 2 days, but hubbie got up with him again and I got to lie in!

Today, Hubbie & I took Ethan to Butterfly World. He seemed fascinated by the creatures we saw there (not least my team leader whom we bumped into in the car park, ha ha)! He was eyed up by some big snakes and he even got grab touch one when the staff had some of them out their tanks. (He also got to touch a millipede but that wasn't quite so exciting)! When the staff brought the tarantulas out, I decided at that point Ethan just HAD to go for a nappy change, haha!

He had a butterfly land on his hand at one point which I think he was a bit bemused by. His favourite creatures though seemed to be these bearded dragons - he seemed quite taken with them, probably cos they were moving around more than the snakes and tarantulas.

This evening I had what's only my second night out since Ethan was born. I'd managed to get free tickets for Blaze, so I met up with my sister and we went along to that. It was strange leaving Ethan behind but was also nice to get my high heels and make-up on for a grown up night out! Got home at 10.30pm and Ethan sound asleep in his cot and hubbie sound asleep in our bed. Here's to a peaceful nights sleep for us all!

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