
By MottosPoint

Big Pit

We went to Big Pit today. It's a former coal mine which has been kept operating as a working museum. It is possible to go down the main shaft to a depth of 90 metres where you get a real idea of how it must have been for the miners who worked down there right up until it closed in the 1980s. We were guided by a former miner who was a real character with a great patter and a wealth of stories. It is definitely worth a visit if you are ever in South Wales and I would highly recommend it.

Sadly, you are not allowed to take cameras/phones/watches down the mine as dry batteries might ignite any methane which is lurking about down there. As a result, here is a blip of Charlie pretending to drive one of the electric trains which was used to pull the trucks of coal around the 28 miles of tunnels underground.

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