Chasing Tail Surrounded by Tits...
Long-Tailed Tits that is. I've not been blipping recently, but couldn't resist this shot. Tipped off about small flocks of long-tailed tits on the Water of Leith, as lunchtime wander armed with a BirdGuides app led to me playing them their song through my iPhone, with me at a distance, and ending up surrounded.
Photography lately has been almost exclusively animal-based, given this.
Favourite in the past wee while being this Dipper (there have been allsorts more including Mink and Great Tits and Goosanders and Herons and a stunning Shoveler).
Long-Tailed Tit stare
Next up my cycling website goes back online, so still not blipping for a while, then a bit of writing, etc etc etc. Who knows when I'll be back properly, but I'm still hanging around.
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