As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

You Bleed Just To Know You're Alive

King Tut tomorrow!

My grade is taking a field trip to NYC to see King Tut tomorrow! This is the last time that he will be in North America forever so we got really lucky with our timing :) We're not allowed to take pictures so you might just have to settle for a picture of everyone on the bus with my not-as-good camera. Sorry.

As for today, nothing exciting happened. Art was once again the highlight of my day. I'm working on transferring my contour line drawings onto my water color wash...I hope it turns out well. My friend Alexa keeps telling me about how she reads my Blipfoto all the time and she wanted to be in one of the pictures...I might bring my camera to school on Friday and take pictures of my art class. Would that make you happy Alexa?

I went from school to an executive board meeting for the class of 2014 to cross country practice to tennis to a boy scout meeting to a piano lesson to dinner to a shower to now...

I'm tired. Good night.

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