From the North

By Tawastian

Cleanin' out my closet

I organized my notes. That was a hard case 'cause I have so much of them and I don't know where have they all came from. Blah, still half of them to array.

I also have a lack of ideas; I should sketch out the policy of the coming school magazine but I have no clue what it should be. Well, me and the first secretary have imagined some articles we'll do but the big frames don't exist yet. And as an editor-in-chief I should write the leader. Eh? What should be our big articles? We were thinking about school bullying, the local metal band, the most popular hobbies - even the janitor's cat was mentioned. (Perhaps the last one should be forgotten...)

School bullying was one of the serious and important subjects because it's a big problem here in Finland; you can be bullied about everything and that's just stupid. I have some experiences about it too because I have too strong opinions and I want to be rational. That's not hot, as they let me know but I couldn't care less - still there are lots of kids and teens who care!

Maybe we should make a big big article about bullying to show people how wrong and idiotic it is. Don't know what's gonna happen next week when we have the starting meeting. We've got nearly 30 volunteers for the magazine and we hope they can give us great ideas and sentiments. Maybe we can find out the pole star of the whole magazine, too.

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