Today's the day

By sheilwill

Autumn chestnut

Today's the day ................. when things went from bad to worse

You know sometimes you have those days when your planets are in the wrong place or something - and nothing seems to work out? Well I had one of those today.

This picture was taken at the best bit - when I looked out the bedroom window and the sun was shining, showing up all the autumn colours of the leaves. Lovely! After that things went downhill.

I'll just mention a few things that happened -

Random running man barged straight into me and then just ran off without so much as a 'oops, sorry about that' .....
ALL members of staff were in and we haven't got enough desks and computers to go round - so I spent the entire day moving from one spot to another, trying to get some work done ......
There was no time for any lunch because I had to go to a meeting ....

I could go on and on but I think it best that I stop here and leave you with the autumn picture of the chestnut tree.

Surely tomorrow will be better ..................?!

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