All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The day after the night before

Well, we survived our first night of kiss & retreat! Poor hubbie bore the brunt of it though. We figured that as Ethan associates me with milk, that it should be hubbie who went through to comfort him each time rather than me. Ethan woke twice - once just after midnight and the other around 5am. Both times it took around an hour for him to get back to sleep. Those hours involved a lot of too-ing and fro-ing from hubbie and a lot of tears and tantrums from Ethan (who seemed to cry even harder when hubbie was actually in the room). He woke for the day at 8am, which I'm happy with and he had a BIG breastfeed. Normally he has a tiny one first thing which I guess is because he had already tanked up during the night!

It was nice having hubbie around during the day as I was able to sort through a lot of the photos on my PC which have been taken since Ethan was born and have sent an order off to get prints. Wonder how long it will then take me to actually put them in an album!

Ethan didn't have a morning nap though and then proceeded to fall asleep in his highchair in the middle of lunch again! This was bad timing as it was only an hour before his swim class. However he woke up in the nick of time and we made it. I was worried he'd be grumpy during the class as he hadn't had much to eat. But he loved it! We did lots of dunking under the water today (including us mummies who were also instructed to go right under several times). Ethan is such a star as he never seems to get fazed by the frequent duckings.

As you can see in this picture, Ethan can now pull himself to a kneeling position. I knew back then that it wouldn't be too far away. Am now just waiting for the day he can pull himself up to standing, which I'm sure won't be long now either.

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